







长期从事激光微纳加工技术,激光与物质相互作用,功能性仿生表面制备,激光制备新能源器件等方面的研究与应用,以第一作者身份在Nature CommunicationsACS Applied Materials & InterfacesMaterials Science and Engineering: AApplied Surface ScienceOptics LettersJournal of Materials Chemistry A等国内外重要学术期刊上发表论文30余篇,申报发表发明专利8项,授权5项。2019年获得深圳市海外高层次人才认证。


1. 广东省基础与应用基础研究基金,面向高灵敏度SERS检测的激光多参量调控液滴蒸发过程基础研究,2024-202615万,在研,主持;

2. 深圳市技术攻关重点项目,重20230102 新型TOPCon太阳能电池激光硼掺工艺及装备关键技术研发,2024-202560(200)万元,在研,深技大方主持;

3. 校企合作课题,面向跨尺度自由曲面加工的双头皮秒紫外激光加工系统开发,2022-2024,在研,主持;

4. 广东省教育厅青年创新人才项目, 飞秒激光制备高深宽比微孔石英玻璃关键技术研究, 2020-2022, 结题,主持;

5. 浙江省自然科学基金资助项目, 基于超快激光的GaNLED表面粗化关键技术研究, 2018-2020, 结题,主持;

6. 深圳市海外高端人才启动项目,飞秒激光制备船舶抗腐减阻表面关键技术研究,2020-2022,结题,主持;

7. 横向课题,高精度同轴皮秒紫外激光加工系统开发,2023-2025,在研,主持;

8. 横向课题,激光3D打印TA15钛合金腐蚀磨损性能研究,2022-2023,结题,主持;

9. 横向课题,深圳同步辐射光源项目3D打印模型设计与工艺实施,2022-2023,结题,主持;

10. 深圳技术大学自制仪器项目,面向管道内壁的激光清洗系统,2021-2023,结题,主持。



1. H. Yang, Y. Liu, J. Jin, K. Li, J. Yang, L. Meng, C. Li, W. Zhang, S. Zhou, Effect of Heat Treatment on Microstructure and Mechanical Behavior of Cu-Bearing 316L Stainless Steel Produced by Selective Laser Melting, Acta Metallurgica Sinica (English Letters), 37 (2024) 169-180.

2. J. Jin, H. Yang, Y. Liu, J. Yang, K. Li, Y. Yi, D. Chen, W. Zhang, S. Zhou, Microstructure and enhanced strength-ductility of TiNbCu alloys produced laser powder bed fusion, Materials Science and Engineering: A, 890 (2024) 145889.

3. H. He, S. Zhou, J. Du, H. Yang, D. Chen, Anti-icing and corrosion resistance of superhydrophobic coatings by precision machining and one-step electrodeposition on Mg-Li alloy, Colloids and Surfaces A: Physicochemical and Engineering Aspects, 685 (2024) 133294.


1. B. Hu, X. Yang, J. Wu, S. Lu, H. Yang, Z. Long, L. He, X. Luo, K. Tian, W. Wang, Y. Li, H. Wu, W. Li, C. Guo, H. Yang, Q.J. Wang, H. Liang, Highly efficient octave-spanning long-wavelength infrared generation with a 74% quantum efficiency in a χ(2) waveguide, Nature Communications, 14 (2023) 7125.

2. C. Li, J. Tan, M. Luo, W. Chen, Y. Huang, J. Gu, N. Zhao, J. Li, H. Yang, Q. Zhang, High shear strength welding of soda lime glass to stainless steel using an infrared nanosecond fiber laser assisted by surface tension, Optics and Lasers in Engineering, 161 (2023) 107329.

3. J. Pang, J. Yu, H. Yang, S. Ruan, D. Ouyang, C. Yang, L. Deng, Non-uniform droplet deposition on femtosecond laser patterned superhydrophobic/superhydrophilic SERS substrates for high-sensitive detection, Optics Express, 31 (2023) 19886-19896.

4. J. Wu, J. Zou, H. Ma, J. Wang, C. Li, C. Yang, L. Deng, M. Wang, H. Yang, Drop Impact on Submillimeter-Structured Surfaces with Different Wetting Behaviors, Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 39 (2023) 15022-15030.


1. J. Yu, J. Wu, H. Yang, P. Li, J. Liu, M. Wang, J. Pang, C. Li, C. Yang, K. Xu, Extremely Sensitive SERS Sensors Based on a Femtosecond Laser-Fabricated Superhydrophobic/-philic Microporous Platform, ACS Applied Materials & Interfaces, 14 (2022) 43877-43885.

2. M. Wang, J. Long, Y. Liu, N. Wang, H. Li, H. Yang, S. Ruan, A Superhydrophilic Silicon Surface Enhanced by Multiscale Hierarchical Structures Fabricated by Laser Direct Writing, Langmuir : the ACS journal of surfaces and colloids, 38 (2022) 11015-11021.

3. N. Zhang, T. Ou, M. Wang, Z. Lin, C. Lv, Y. Qin, J. Li, H. Yang, N. Zhao, Q. Zhang, A Brief Review of Calibration-Free Laser-Induced Breakdown Spectroscopy, Frontiers in Physics, 10 (2022).

4. C. Li, S. Liu, X. Jin, Z. Zuo, H. Yang, H. Jing, X. Cao, One-step fabrication of Cu2O-Cu catalytic electrodes with regular porous array by ultra-fast laser scanning, Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 900 (2022) 163455.


1. H. Yang, X. Guan, G. Pang, Z. Zheng, C. Li, C. Yang, M. Wang, K. Xu, Femtosecond laser patterned superhydrophobic/hydrophobic SERS sensors for rapid positioning ultratrace detection, Optics Express, 29 (2021) 16904-16913.

2. Y. Liu, J. Yang, H. Yang, K. Li, Y. Qiu, W. Zhang, S. Zhou, Cu-bearing 316L stainless steel coatings produced by laser melting deposition: Microstructure and corrosion behavior in simulated body fluids, Surface and Coatings Technology, 428 (2021) 127868.

3. H. Yang, K. Xu, C. Xu, D. Fan, Y. Cao, W. Xue, J. Pang, Femtosecond Laser Fabricated Elastomeric Superhydrophobic Surface with Stretching-Enhanced Water Repellency, Nanoscale Research Letters, 14 (2019) 333.

4. H. Yang, K. Sun, Y. Xue, C. Xu, D. Fan, Y. Cao, W. Xue, Controllable drop splashing on picosecond laser patterned hybrid superhydrophobic/-philic surfaces, Applied Surface Science, 481 (2019) 184-191.

5. K. Sun, H. Yang, W. Xue, A. He, D. Zhu, W. Liu, K. Adeyemi, Y. Cao, Anti-biofouling superhydrophobic surface fabricated by picosecond laser texturing of stainless steel, Applied Surface Science, 436 (2018) 263-267.

6. A. He, H. Yang, W. Xue, K. Sun, Y. Cao, Tunable coffee-ring effect on a superhydrophobic surface, Opt. Lett., 42 (2017) 3936-3939.

7. H. Yang, D. Fu, M. Jiang, J. Duan, F. Zhang, X. Zeng, U. Bach, Ultraviolet laser ablation of fluorine-doped tin oxide thin films for dye-sensitized back-contact solar cells, Thin Solid Films, 531 (2013) 519-524.

8. H. Yang, L. Deng, W. Guo, F. Zhang, J. Duan, H. Tang, X. Zeng, Long-range ordered straight holes manufacturing in polyimide for proton exchange membrane fuel cells, Optics & Laser Technology, 54 (2013) 413-418.

9. L. Ming, H. Yang, W. Zhang, X. Zeng, D. Xiong, Z. Xu, H. Wang, W. Chen, X. Xu, M. Wang, J. Duan, Y.-B. Cheng, J. Zhang, Q. Bao, Z. Wei, S. Yang, Selective laser sintering of TiO2 nanoparticle film on plastic conductive substrate for highly efficient flexible dye-sensitized solar cell application, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2 (2014) 4566.



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